hi, i’m
corina yeung

  • _BA Hons Graphic Communication
    @ Newcastle College
  • _Welcome to my portfolio
check out my cv
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Hi, I'm Corina!

app design
for online fundraising

Popular online charity fundraising platforms are rather bland and haven't seen much innovation in recent years, yet young people aged 16-24 are more likely than the population as a whole to donate to charities, volunteer, and sign petitions.

Good Change was created in response to coming up with an engaging and innovative platform that young people deserve to empower and drive social change.

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Good Change app screens displayed in a lattice.
Good Change app screens
Bambino's baby food branding
MunchStars presents Bambino's

branding strategy
for baby food range

To promote healthy eating in children from a young age, MunchStars has released Bambino's, a baby food range for infants.

Bambino's was created in response to a branding and packaging brief as part of a university module.

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user interface design
for responsive website

Responsive web design for World Health Foods; a website that needed a fresh look.

This design was created in response to a UI/UX brief as part of a university module.

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nutrition app
World Health Foods responsive website mockups
Cup illustration design for Aldi Suisse

for cup wrap

Digital illustrations of various notable landmarks for each Canton of Switzerland.

Commissioned by Aldi Suisse, created by me at KA BOOM.

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